Quality LegaL Advice
Offering Guidance
Achieving Solutions

PRopeRty MatteRs
We have significant experience advising on property matters from sales and purchases to mortgages and refinancing options. We can also assist you with family transfers, rights of residence, estate planning and asset disposals. If you have boundary concerns or a title rectification issue that needs attention please contact us to discuss.
Wills & PRobatE
In addition to drafting wills and extracting grants of probate, we can assist with any queries you have around will disputes, will challenges and the mediation of estate disputes. We advise on Section 117 cases, where claimants have been left out of a will or are challenging the provision made for them.

BusiNeSS CLientS
We assist in the creation or negotiation of commercial leases, incorporation of companies and formalising corporate structures. We can also assist in times of merger or changes in your business structures or relationships. We are also conscious of the effects of deterioration on business operations and should changes give rise to employment law concerns for you or any of your employees occur, we can assist.
Family Law
We recognise that family structures can change at any time in a persons relationship and we can discuss the various options concerning your immediate needs, rights and entitlements and those of any children. We will talk through your concerns and determine if urgent action is needed. We always try to initially negotiate agreement between the parties where appropriate, however, should this not be successful we can advise you and bring any case to a resolution through the courts where necessary.

NotaRy PubLic
A Notary Public is an official commissioned by the Chief Justice to serve the public in formalising paperwork for advancing non-continuous matters, most of which usually contain some aspect of foreign or international business. It is a commissioned role for life. The more routine requests made of notaries include our authenticating documents, witnessing the taking of oaths and the execution of documents in our presence. We provide these services in the Sandyford, Stillorgan, Cherrywood and surrounding areas upon request.

TowNleY kiNgstoN SoLicitoRs
A dedicated and reliable legal firm with an established reputation in providing the highest standard of legal services. We consider quality of advice and the client relationship to be at the core of what we do.